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Thursday, September 23, 2010

How Dyspraxia Affects a Child's Education

Millions worldwide are falling prey to the deadly disease called Dyspraxia. As much as two percent of the entire world population is under the threat of this neurological disorder. But what makes things even worse is most of them suffering from Dyspraxia are not even in their teens. Children are the prime subjects of this disease.
Dyspraxia is primarily forces an individual to lose control over his motor organs. This makes it extremely hard for the affected person to articulate words while indulging in a conversation with somebody. Most children from this kind of oral dyspraxia end up being neglected at schools and sometimes at their homes also.
Dyspraxia is not only limited to the motor organs only. Very often they create quite a negative impact on the sensory organs of your kid. Most kids suffering from this kind of syndrome find it hard to pick up new lessons irrespective of how simple they are. In most cases they feel challenged to distinguish between letters and numbers to begin with. Reduced analytical powers handicap them from comprehending whatever is taught in their school. Moreover some of them even show signs of clumsiness and poor handwriting. This is the reason most teachers have adopted a particular method of teaching for these individuals. Repetitive teaching has been quite helpful for these ailing students. In fact such teaching tricks have helped in unearthing some really bright students who suffer from this neurological disorder.
Special Need Schools have been set up in most parts of the world to help these children live a normal childhood along with getting all the education they need to become independent in the society. You should also chip in with contributions n order to help all these ailing children live the life of peace and prosperity.