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Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Tips for Finding Your Pet a Good Home

If you have ever had to face the situation of giving away your pet, you know how traumatic it can be. Many people have to give away their pets due to financial concerns or living arrangements. Or your pet has just recently become a new father or mother, and you have to find each one of their babies a new home! Lots of people place ads in the newspaper or on the internet in order to give away their animals. The trouble is, how do you know if you're giving these animals a good home or not? These ads reach many different people, and some people with bad intentions comb through these ads on purpose to find animals. You really never know if you're putting your four-legged friend in the care of an animal abuser, a dog fighter, or someone with similar issues. No animal lover wants to think of these possibilities.

While you can talk to the person who is interested in taking your animal, you can never really know what kind of person they are. While they may have a friendly face and seem very nice, well…so did Michael Vick. If you're not familiar with him, he is the professional football player who recently was convicted of several counts of animal cruelty for dog fighting, and hanging and drowning injured dogs. There is a way, however, to check a person's background to see if they have ever been convicted of animal abuse.

By visiting a site like you can simply enter a person's cell phone number and instantly have access to personal information about that person. You don't have to have a lot of personal information to get access to these records. Just by having the contact information for someone, you can tell whether or not you will be sending your pet to a good home. By finding their criminal records, you will know whether or not they have ever been convicted of a felony or misdemeanor. Then, you will be able to feel safer when you give your beloved pets to these people.

No one wants to have to give their animal up, and no one wants to give kittens or puppies to someone who may mistreat them. Many animals are abused every day, and lead lives of torture, pain, and shame. By checking this website, you can be sure that your beloved animals never have to lead lives like this. Animals are meant to be loved, cuddled, fed, and played with. When you give away an animal, wouldn't you want to know that this is the fate that awaits them? Animals can't stick up for themselves, so it's up to us to stick up for them. Use the tips and website above to make sure that your pets are going to a good and loving home.





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